Boost your skin moisture with Hydration Boosters

Hydration Boosters

Get back to your beauty by reversing the signs of ageing and embracing a more youthful you.

Your skin’s ultimate thirst quencher

Think of Skin Boosters as tiny injections of dermal fillers that do more than just plump – they work from the inside out to hydrate, refine, and rejuvenate your skin's elasticity. You can use this type of dermal filler across broad areas like your face, neck, and hands to level up your skin's hydration game. These multiple injections kickstart your fibroblasts, making way for fresh collagen and elastin production. The outcome? Skin that's radiant and naturally fuller.

The low down

What can I expect after?

You may experience some temporary side effects around the treatment area. The most common side effects include bruising, redness, swelling, pain and itching. Redness and swelling may last up to 24 hours, and some people may experience bruising for up to 7 days, particularly around the mouth.

How long between treatments?

Results can last between 6–12 months. Your clinician will determine how to prolong your results and how quickly your body metabolises these skin hydration injections.

Does it hurt?

There’s no need to be nervous, treatments are very superficial causing minimal discomfort. Some redness may occur within the first few hours, but it will shortly subside.

Book a consultation

  • Lines & Wrinkles Consult + Treatment (if suitable)

    Lines & Wrinkles Consult + Treatment (if suitable)

    Discuss personalised cosmetic aesthetic treatment options and have your questions answered during a consultation with our friendly and experienced medical team. Book your complimentary consultation today.

    Our team conducts comprehensive facial assessments to understand your aesthetic goals. Following this, our experienced Doctors and Aesthetic Nurses will discuss personalised treatment options with you. If our medical team deems you a suitable candidate for treatment it can then also proceed.

    While we can't list prices for our treatments, we're happy to provide detailed information over the phone.

    Skin types: All skin types

  • Lines, Wrinkles & Facial Volume Consult + Treatment (if suitable)

    Lines, Wrinkles & Facial Volume Consult + Treatment (if suitable)

    Discuss personalised cosmetic aesthetic treatment options and have your questions answered during a consultation with our friendly and experienced medical team. Book your complimentary consultation today.

    Our team conducts comprehensive facial assessments to understand your aesthetic goals. Following this, our experienced Doctors and Aesthetic Nurses will discuss personalised treatment options with you. If our medical team deems you a suitable candidate for treatment it can then also proceed.

    While we can't list prices for our treatments, we're happy to provide detailed information over the phone.

    Skin types: All skin types

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  • Things to avoid: No blood-thinning medications, including aspirin and Ibuprofen (unless prescribed by your medical practitioner).
  • Your experienced Clear Skincare nurse will provide specific post-treatment instructions, but here are some general principles to follow:
  • Immediately after treatment: Remember to keep the treated area clean. You may take over-the-counter pain medications or an antihistamine if you have swelling or the treated area feels tender.
  • Days after treatment: There should be no rubbing/massaging or placing pressure on the treated areas for 24 hours. Avoid extreme heat and excessive exercise for 24 hours after treatment, avoid alcohol consumption for 24 hours and do not apply make-up or active skincare products to the treated areas for 24 hours.


What are Hydration Boosters?

Hydration skin boosters are a non-surgical cosmetic treatment designed to improve overall skin quality, deliver intense hydration, and stimulate collagen production to create smoothed and tightened skin. Skin boosters contain hyaluronic acid, hyaluronic acid is a naturally occurring substance in our bodies. As we age, our body struggles to produce a high enough amount, causing our skin to sag and wrinkles to appear. Hyaluronic acid is the best substance for skin boosters as one of its most beneficial factors is its ability to hold 1000 times its weight in water. Skin beauty booster treatments can significantly boost hydration, improve skin smoothness by eliminating texture, restore skin elasticity, and reduce fine lines and wrinkles. Skin hydration injections can be used across the face, neck, décolletage, and hands, targeting a large skin area in one treatment. Hyaluronic acid skin boosters are ideal for individuals looking for complete total skin rejuvenation, quality improvement, and plump, hydrated skin, rather than restore volume to specific areas, which dermal fillers are designed to do. However, skin boosters can be used with dermal fillers, depending on your skin concerns and what outcomes you wish to accomplish.

How long do Hydration Boosters last?

Skin booster injections can last between 6-12 months. Still, it will depend on the frequency of maintenance treatments, and dose used. Your clinician will determine how to prolong your results and how quickly your body metabolises the skin hydration injections.

Is the treatment painful?

There’s no need to be nervous: discomfort is typically minimal and brief. We may use a local anaesthetic when required, depending on the area being treated.

What are the benefits of Hydration Boosters?

Benefits of the skin booster treatment:
• The dermal fillers used are very fluid, so the final result is smooth.
• With the production of new collagen and elastin, patients can expect firmer and more youthful skin.
• The treatment is suitable for most patients and skin types
• Gold standard skin hydrator for radiant and glowing skin,

What is the recovery time?

Following Hydration Booster treatments, redness and swelling may last up to 24 hours. Some clients may experience bruising for up to 7 days, particularly around the mouth. Our cosmetic nurse will educate you on the treatment plan and post-treatment aftercare expectations during your complimentary consultation.

How do Hydration Boosters work?

During the treatment, your cosmetic nurse or cosmetic doctor will inject the skin booster into your skin using a fine needle. The number of injections and the amount of product used will depend on the treatment area and your individual needs. The main ingredient in skin boosters is a naturally occurring substance in the body that helps to retain moisture, and it plays an important role in maintaining skin hydration and elasticity. When injected into the skin, this molecule acts as a hydrating agent, helping to improve skin texture and tone by providing a plumping effect that can smooth out fine lines and wrinkles. The product also helps to stimulate the production of collagen and elastin in the skin, which can further improve skin quality and elasticity. The skin booster is gradually broken down and absorbed by the body. Results of the treatment typically last for several months, after which the treatment can be repeated if desired.

What is the difference between Hydration Boosters and Dermal Filler?

Skin Boosters are micro-injections of dermal fillers in the skin. Unlike traditional dermal fillers, they are not injected beneath the skin to volumise or shape the face. Instead, they are very fine dermal fillers that are injected into the skin to hydrate and improve skin quality. This type of dermal filler can be injected over large treatment areas of the face, neck, and hands to increase the skin’s hydration quality. During the treatment, the multiple injections activate the fibroblasts promoting new collagen and elastin formation. The result is healthy-looking, glowing, and plump skin. The skin booster treatment is not intended to fill lines and wrinkles. Instead, it is to hydrate the skin and promote formation of new collagen and elastin in the long term. Clients notice a more dewy and firmer appearance to the skin and more of a ‘glow’ as a result.

How many treatments will I need?

Hydration Booster treatments normally last up to 12 months. Our cosmetic nurses will educate you on the expected longevity of your treatment during your complimentary consultation.

What are the side effects?

The potential for risks or complications is present in any medical or cosmetic treatment you choose to undergo.The potential risks and complications associated with skin hydration injections are similar to dermal fillers and include:
• Infection
• Bleeding
• Vascular occlusion
• Haematoma
• Skin ulcers
• Skin discolouration
• Itching
A skin hydrating booster treatment is not suitable for pregnant or breastfeeding women, persons under the age of 18, have an autoimmune disease, localised skin infection, severe allergies, plan to travel international within 2 weeks following treatment and or have dental or surgical procedures scheduled within 1 month from treatment.

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